Frost snow black white

Using a shape such as a circle as my focal point allows me creatively frame a memory. Sometimes it’s our first frozen camper other and times it’s the flames dancing in a fire pit on my first Canadian road trip.

Round is our photo theme this week so I hope you enjoy my random collection of round subjects from our traveling around.

We don’t know what is round the next bend on a new road, adventure, or bend in life. Sometimes not knowing creates excitement other times it creates anxiety (especially true when the vehicle is hugging the cliff, but that’s another story). If you missed last week’s post about being thankful, it’s also a good reminder that we don’t know what is round the next bend in life. Life can change in a heartbeat and we still need to go round to the next phase and see what awaits us.

Rounding Out the Travel Memories

Thanks for visiting the blog and this week’s round photos.

Focus Your Lens

The holidays tend to make us busier than usual and even more stressed. When stressed, I find the view through a camera lens and focusing my attention on capturing something interesting, a great way to relax and tune out whatever stressful situation is lurking around. Try it out and let me know how it goes.

About the Photo Challenge

A weekly themed photo challenge hosted by Terri. Check out her Blog and come back to visit for more SundayStills and traveling posts!

More Sunday Still Posts

Thanks for visiting our travel blog and I hope you enjoyed finding the #SundayStills Challenge. You can join the weekly challenge by visiting our hosts blog Second Wind Leisure. and checking out Terri’s post for this week, Feeling Well Rounded?

If you enjoy personal travel stories and especially camping, follow this blog by entering your email below. You can also follow us on Instagram @WorkingOnExploring or @Maximus.4×4.camper, and subscribe to our WorkingOnExploring YouTube Channel on for our build and trip clips. Good luck on your own exploring and we’ll see you from the road somewhere soon!

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