I hope you enjoy blue the way I enjoy blue; from my blue eyes to a bright summer sky and all the blues in between, blue is one of my favorite colors. May’s color of the month photos is celebrating cobalt blue. Cobalt is a rich, deep blue. It is not too dark and not too light. It is one of those just right, grabs your attention shades of blue.

The deepness of this blue is what makes me think of Crater Lake. We first visited this lake back in 2019 as part of a larger Oregon area adventure.

Crater Lake in Oregon

How about the deep blue of Death Valley’s National Park night time sky.

The cobalt blue of the sky shows that the depth of color encloses infinity.

Umberto Eco
Starry Night Death Valley National Park

More of our Death Valley Trip

We spent 5 days driving miles and miles. We explored many of the must sees and went beyond to a few far reaching destinations of the park. It was quite an adventure with every destination being so different from the one before and every night being the same, dark, starry and quiet.

You’re my North Star when I’m lost and feeling blue.

Tom Waits

There’s not much new to share on the working side of our life aka the shouse build. We are however enjoying the warmer weather and I’m happy to report that the chill has finally left my bones.

About the Challenge

Looking for a fun way to get consistent with blog posts, I stumbled onto something called Sunday Stills. A group of bloggers and photographers looking to share, improve, and meet others all post a themed photo or story post. I’m still not 100% consistently posting, but I’ve improved. The added benefit of getting behind the camera with a variety of subjects to focus on has also got me using my cameras more. Using cameras more has helped me improve my photography. It’s a slight improvement but I’ll take it. Check out the Sunday Stills hosts’ blog, Second Wind Leisure and her weekly post for this week at: Monthly Color Challenge Relaxing Cobalt Blue