It’s color of the month time and with spring peaking out here and there in the US, what better color than to show off green. But not just any green, Jade!

More than a Color

Jade also known as the royal gem is known for it’s

  • Benevolence for it’s lustre and brilliance
  • Honesty for it’s translucent texture
  • Wisdom for it’s tranquil and far-reaching tone
  • Integrity and Bravery for it may be broken but can not be twisted

As an An ornamental rock made of silicate minerals, tt is unique compared to other valuable gems or precious metals.

Traveling to China

I spent several years traveling back and forth to China for work. And in between work, we’d squeeze in shopping. Sometimes it was just within the larger city markets, and other times, it was an excursion to a more rural area. The goal for me was usually two-fold. First, is it unique to the area I’m visiting and could I enjoy it for years to come? Second, was it something I couldn’t purchase at home? Well, actually there was a third which was to bring home special gifts for friends.

My daughter was young during this era so Pokémon games were a big hit. I still have a simple string of pearls that I picked up from a street vendor.

Eventually, I picked up a jade bangle. It’s very small and was intended as a gift for my daughter. Being too young at the time, I held onto it. Stashed it in a special place.

Jade Bangle Dangling on my Bulletin Board

And forgot about it until my last house move in my fifties!

It’s a delicate beauty.

It’s a white jade and I love the translucent texture. Honesty is a perfect virtue to describe this gem.

Here you can see it set against another China travel acquisition. This tea cup isn’t really unique or special (other than my name engraved on it) However, I recall being very touched to receive a customized gift. At the time, I was 3-4 levels lower in rank than those that our supplier really had to answer too yet, they still graciously hosted me every trip like I was special! I slowly got spoiled traveling this way.

Engrave Tea Cup Gift

Hunting Jade In the Yard

Jade actually comes in many colors but thinking of spring led me to think about my yard and all the trees that are surrounding us. There must be a shade of jade amoungst them. Below is sampling of the range that jade the ornamental rock actually comes from. However, our photo challenge is about the green jade.

Jadeite color range

When one first thinks of jade as a color, green most definitely comes to mind. But what kind of green? The green colors ranged from dark green, to bright green, to a milky translucent green. I focused on locating what has the gray/white green tone here in little slice quiet.


A eucalyptus tree is one of many trees gracing us with their shade and color year round. Today it is also showing off its new spring growth.

Perhaps it’s more of a blue green than jade, but lovely just the same.

Known mostly as an Australian evergreen it is grown widely in many areas including Southern California. They are the fastest and tallest growing trees in the world per This tree is in our yard and has a more round leaf. It could be a different variety or it could just be a younger tree. My daily walking trail however has Eucalyptus trees that are massive. They have the longer, narrow leaves.

Eucalyptus is known for it’s oils and valued for it’s timber. I’ve seen references stating that it is the most widely used natural oil. The oil has been used as a repellent, disinfected, pain reliever and clear nasal stuffiness. Personally I love it in the winter and in allergy season. Just breathing it in, makes my airways happier. And they are

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A weekly themed photo challenge hosted by Terri. Check out her Blog and come back and visit for more SundayStills and traveling posts!

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More Sunday Still Posts

Thanks for visiting our travel blog and I hope you enjoyed finding the #SundayStills Challenge. You can join the weekly challenge by visiting our hosts blog Second Wind Leisure. Terri’s amazing post for this week is Not Too Jaded.